Prevalence of Schistosomiasis amongst Secondary School Students in Bukuru, Du and Zawan in Jos-South, LGC, Plateau State
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Published: 21 August 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
A survey for Schistosomiasis was carried out among Secondary Schools students in Bukuru, Du and Zawan, both of Jos-South Local Government of Plateau State. The project work is aimed at evaluating the prevalence rate of the disease in the study area. The study was able to established the relationship between the prevalence rate of schistosomiasis and many other human variables such as age, sex, and source of water supply. 300 samples comprising of 150 stool and 150 urines were processed, using formol-ether concentration technique. Eighteen samples were positive for intestinal schistosomiasis giving a prevalence of 6%. There was no positive for urinary schistosomiasis. Sixteen cases of schistosomiasis were found in males while only two cases of schistosomiasis were found in females. Thirteen cases of schistosomiasis were found in the age group (16-20) years, while two and three were positive for schistosomiasis in the age group (10-15) years and (21-25) years respectively.
Keywords:Parasites, Prevalence, Schistosomiasis, Students, Jos South

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How to Cite
Thomas Hosea Zagi, Akinseye Janet Fumilayo, Ayuba Sunday Buru. (2020-08-21). "Prevalence of Schistosomiasis amongst Secondary School Students in Bukuru, Du and Zawan in Jos-South, LGC, Plateau State." *Volume 3*, 3, 12-17